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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Contest Answer: The envelope, please.....

Alright. Since no one was really that prize shall be awarded by this judge. I'll throw the trophy up in the air and let the 4 responders jostle for it.

The long awaited answer: Harleigh was in a bit of a snit when she drew these. The picture on the left, and I quote: "Mom, but she's dead." Note the "x" shaped eyes. The picture on the right according to Harleigh, is Mom again, with Harleigh's fingers wrapped around her head and neck.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! (And, boy are we in trouble.)

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About Me

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Geoff: Lately I've found myself improving upon my ability to lose things. Also, I find that I truly shine in a closet full of three-toed sloths. Lise: School, kids, work, extracurriculars. Catalina: Gymnastics, Smarty Pants, reading everything in sight. Harleigh: V-migo, Mathematician, artist, actress.